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Extra Credit-Farewell Responses to SIX classmates

-Hi Peihao! It is my pleasure to work with you in the podcast project. You really did a good job in organizing and communicating with each group mate. I hope you can succeed in future writing courses!

-Hello Yuzhen! It is a great experience to work with you in the podcast project. I especially want to thank you for pointing out and fixing the problems of the microsite. This podcast project is my first collaborative project at UCI. The process is not easy but we finally made it. Good luck in your final week!

-Hello Gloria! It is really nice to meet you. Although we only have a short meeting during lecture time, I was impressed by the design of your website. Grammar is also one of my weaknesses. To solve this problem, I plan to do more self-learning in the future. I hope you can do better in your future writing!

-Hi Wenjiao, it is an interesting experience to work with you in the podcast project. You perfectly fulfill your role as the host of the podcast. Also your post clearly address your transformative learning experience and difficulties. Gook luck on your finals!

-Hi Han, it is with great pleasure to work with you in the podcast project. I really appreciated your work on editing the recordings. I wish you can succeed in future writing courses!

-Hello Ashley! It is my pleasure to work with you in the peer review group. The layout of you WIX site is impressive to me. By the way, the two Guinea pigs you keep are really cute. Good luck on your finals!

It is a special year for all of us. Learning all the courses online is a totally new experience for me. Also, virtual learning did increased the difficulty of collaboration. In this podcast project, it is lucky that all of our group members are in the same time zone. But we still have some troubles during the production of our podcast. For example, during recording, we are not familiar with our scripts. It takes about 3 hours to finish the recording. In order to be more productive, I can improve by communicating more with the group members and assigning each group member a more specific role. Overall, through this podcast project, I attained a better understanding on my strengths and weaknesses. I think I am getting closer to one of the course objectives--"to become an all-around better communicator".

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