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Pre-production Meeting Summary

At 3:00 pm, Feb. 16, we had a pre-production group meeting to discuss the specific plan for the podcast project. Here is a brief summary of our meeting:

Content and Structure

Generally, the podcast would be divided into the following three segments:

  1. The gender roles represent Disney princesses and male characters in early years

  2. The gender roles of today's Disney princesses and male characters

  3. Contrast & Summary


1. Microsite editor & Researcher: Yian Lin

-Respond in segment 2 with focus on gender roles of today’s Disney princesses and an additional segment about race of Disney princesses and social perception

-Microsite editor: create a new WIX account and edit the group microsite page

-Researcher: research images for the microsite

2. Podcast Editor & Researcher: Han Li

-Speaks in segment 1, mainly participating the idea for Disney gender role performance in a previous time

-Podcast Editor: edit the podcast, collect audio files and edits them with images and musics

-Researcher: collect musics and images about the past Disney princesses

3. Host & Podcast Director: Wenjiao Guo

-Speaks in every segment, mainly participating in the direction for the whole podcast

-Co-host of the podcast: responsible for the process of the whole podcast

-Podcast Director: make sure everything is on deadlines

4. Host & Researcher: Peihao Hu

-Speaks in every segment, mainly participating in the direction for the whole podcast

-Host of the podcast: responsible for the process of the whole podcast

-Researcher: collects sources from all group members and make a full list of references

5. Script Coordinator & Researcher: Yuzhen Lang

-Speaks in segment 2, mainly participating in recent female and male characters in Disney films and how they represent the norm of gender roles

-Script Coordinator, collect sources from all group members and put them in logical structure

- Researcher: search related images and music of segment 2 subtopic

Technical Aspects

In the meeting, we decided to record our podcast on Saturday(2/20). We plan to record the podcast separately--two to three group members will participate in the discussion for each segment. After finishing the recording, we will put three recordings together and do some post-processing. As we get the podcast finished, we will edit the microsite and publish the final version for the project.

To-do List

During the meeting, we came up with a to-do list:

  1. Continue looking for source

  2. Prepare for the final script

  3. Search images and musics

As the microsite editor, I am going to create a new WIX account and start thinking about the design of the microsite. I will also prepare for the materials for my part. For example, I plan to listen to the podcast that annotated by my groupmates and re-read the articles to see if there is anything I can refer to.

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