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Week 10-Final Reflection Blog

Part One: TWO Examples of Transformative Learning Writing 39A is the first writing course that I took in college. Comparing with the writing course that I've taken in high school, this course is more intensive and fast-paced. Through this quarter's study, I have attained two most transformative learning experiences. Firstly, the exploratory writings from week 1 to week 6 laid a firm foundation for my final podcast and essay. By completing these exploratory writings, I have a better understanding on terms like social construction and public pedagogy, and the annotations on three different types of Disney films help me gained an in-depth understanding on the gender roles presented in Disney films. Rome wasn't built in a day. A quality essay also requires long-term effort. Through these exploratory writings I realize the importance of process. This course teaches me how to plan ahead and form good writing habits, which I believe are helpful to my future academic career.

Secondly, after taking this course I started to realize the significance of peer review. The peer review session is mutually beneficial-by reviewing others' works I am able to provide some constructive suggestions and vice versa. Also, reading other's work allows me to broaden my thinking. For example, when I read my group mates' essay, I am able to gain some new perspectives on course topic because they would touch on aspects that I didn't noticed before.

PART TWO: Taking Stock-- TWO Problems & A Plan for the Future

One problem that I faced in this course is grammar. I did poorly in the grammar diagnostic test at the beginning of the quarter. Although the practice on McGraw-Hill Connect did help me make some improvement, I feel that learning through online platforms like McGraw-Hill Connect is not as effective as learning through lectures. In the future, I should try to do more self-learning to improve my grammar.

The second problem that I have encountered in this course is self-revision. Although I know what my flaws are, I don't have a general idea on how to revise my essay. To improve in this part, I think I should try to make use of other sources like the writing center. Sometimes it might be helpful if I can get some advice from others.

At the end, it is my pleasure to be part of this wonderful class. I want to say thank you to Dr. Haas and all my classmates, best wishes to you all!

32 次查看2 則留言


Yi Jiang
Yi Jiang
Mar 15, 2021

Hi Yian,

I think peer review is an important thing that we need to focus on, we can learn from other people, from their perspective and give other people opinion on what we think, whether we are correct or not, both the peer and ourselves can can improve together. It was a great experience in this course throughout the quarter, hope you good luck in your future classes.


Chengheng Lyu
Chengheng Lyu
Mar 14, 2021

Hi, Yian. I can learn my things from you. It's a unpleasant year indeed. I think we should all try to study hard in our houses. And I also find trying to find out the spelling mistakes is hard. Hope you can do well in your future classes. Goodbye!

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